Quarantine workouts


A couple of days ago I was watching IG live with a NASA astronaut Jessica Meir. She shared a lot of incredible developments and stories from her last mission in space. She also mentioned that during the ultimate isolation like space travel daily workouts were crucial not for just physical but also mental health. I could not agree more with Jessica. Although I am doing something far less heroic than exploring our beautiful universe in zero gravity, I am just staying home during the Corona Virus pandemic. But I feel thanks to newly discovered IG live and Zoom workouts have helped me personally to cope with all that’s happening much better.

So here I just wanted to share with you some of my favorite Quarantine workouts. If you see in your feed someone starting a hiit, yoga or cardio session don’t miss it. It will make you feel better, you’ll see!

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Trainer spotlight

Kat, SF Bay Area trainer. Kat held a live IG/Zoom class and made all the participants feel like rockstars!